Thank you, Life.

Pankaj Chowdhury
2 min readSep 10, 2019

An ode of gratitude to all experiences.

Hello Life, I know it’s late,
but tell me, is there some right moment,
for you to become my mate?

And I know, Oh I know,
We reap what we sow,
which is why I arrive with a humble bow.

I value you for what you’ve given me,
A chariot for me to jump on, ride on,
Going downhill berserk with my arms wavy.

Have men ever told you that you are a gift?
With the unstoppable force that you’ve instilled,
The heavy rocks of my memory I try now to lift.

Thank you for offering my tree abandonment,
I admit it turned my fruits sour;
Therein I grew the sweetness of self-fulfillment,
In the darkest of my hours.

I am indebted for the needed sadness
Going through your dark impervious abyss;
Now I ride my chariot out with ironclad gladness,
Feeling the sunlight’s warm, soothing kiss.

I am beholden for the endless relentless pain
As I suffered the punches your bouts playfully inflict;
Only after knowing them deeply could I gain
The strengths earned in the ring of inner conflict.

Only after accepting all my fears as reality,
Some true and some only existing in the prison cells of my mind;
I realized what true courage has to offer —
Rode my chariot excitedly into the arena leaving cowardice behind.

So go on, Dear Life,
Continue to do your part;
Keep pouring all these experiences,
And men will turn them into art.

